The Lost Boys

Zeno Graton

21.07.2023. 21:00
Poli Open Air Gimnazijska


Belgium, France

Glavne uloge
Khalil Ben Gharbia, Julien De Saint Jean, Eye Haidara, Jonathan Couzinié

Clément Chautant, Tatiana Goetz

In a youth correctional facility, Joe is preparing for his return to society, uncertain as to what life will look like on the other side of the barbed-wire fence. But when new arrival William moves into the cell next door, Joe’s desire for freedom quickly gives way to a desire of another kind. Through camera obscura photography, ink drawing, dance and rap, Joe and William embark on a twin journey of emotional and expressive emancipation, revolving around each other with increasing yearning and despair. This debut feature charts the twists and turns of a passion between two young men who thought their lives had been put on hold and offers an uncompromising vision of love: behind these walls, passion comes first, and liberty only a distant second.

U popravnom domu za mlade, Džo se priprema za povratak u društvo, nesiguran kako će izgledati život sa druge strane bodljikave žice. Ali kada se novi stanovnik doma, useli u ćeliju pored, Džoova želja za slobodom brzo ustupa mjesto želji druge vrste. Kroz fotografiju, crtanje mastila, ples i rep, Džo i Vilijam kreću na putovanje emocionalne i izražajne emancipacije, okretanjem jedno oko drugog sa sve većom čežnjom i očajem. Ovaj debi prikazuje preokrete  strasti između dva mladića koji su mislili da su im životi stavljeni na čekanje i nudi beskompromisnu viziju ljubavi: iza ovih zidova strast je na prvom mestu, a sloboda samo daleka sekunda.