
Jasmila Zbanic

20.07.2023. 21:00
Vils Summer Screen


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Glavne uloge
Mirjana Karanović, Luna Mijović, Jasmila Zbanic, Lejna Čelebičić Prohić

Tanja Aćimović

Esma lives with her 12-year-old daughter Sara in Grbavica, a Sarajevo neighborhood. The mother hides the truth about her daughter's father, the truth that she was born as a consequence of war rape. Sara lives in the belief that she is the daughter of a fallen war hero. Esma is forced to take a job as a waitress to provide her daughter with money for a school trip. The school provides free travel for students of war heroes. As Esma is unable to come up with such confirmation for Sara, Sara decides to investigate the truth about her father on her own.

Esma živi sa svojom 12-godišnjom kćerkom Sarom na Grbavici, sarajevskom naselju. Majka kćeri taji istinu o njezinom ocu, istinu da je ona plod ratnog silovanja. Sara živi u uvjerenju da je kći stradalog ratnog heroja. Esma je primorana zaposliti se kao konobarica kako bi kćeri osigurala novac za školski izlet. Škola omogućava besplatno putovanje učenicima ratnih heroja. Kako Esma nije u mogućnosti doći do takve potvrde za Saru, Sara odlučuje sama doći do istine o svojem ocu.