Fantastic Machine

Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

18.07.2023. 20:30
Ilidza Open Air


Denmark, Sweden

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Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

What happens when humanity’s infatuation with itself and an untethered free market meet 45 billion cameras…

Filmmakers Axel Danielson & Maximilien Van Aertryck (Ten Meter Tower, Jobs For All!) once again turn their cameras directly on society, this time to explore, explain and expose how our unchecked obsession with image has grown to change our human behavior.  
From Camera Obscura and the Lumieres Brothers all the way to Youtube and the world of social media, the film chronicles how we went from capturing the image of a backyard to a multi-billion- euro content industry in just 200 years. 
With an exclusive use of archival and found footage, the film uses the very medium it examines, in a self-reflective yet hilarious montage. 


Šta se dešava kada se zaljubljenost čovečanstva u sebe i nevezano slobodno tržište sretnu sa 45 milijardi kamera...

Filmski stvaraoci Axel Danielson i Maximilien Van Aertryck (Ten Meter Tower, Poslovi za sve!) ponovo usmjeravaju svoje kamere direktno na društvo, ovog puta da istraže, objasne i razotkriju kako je naša nekontrolirana opsesija imidžom porasla i promijenila naše ljudsko ponašanje.
Od Camera Obscure i braće Lumieres pa sve do Youtube-a i svijeta društvenih medija, film prikazuje kako smo za samo 200 godina prešli od snimanja slike dvorišta do industrije sadržaja vrijednog više milijardi eura.
Uz ekskluzivnu upotrebu arhivskih i pronađenih snimaka, film koristi upravo medij koji istražuje, u samorefleksnoj, ali urnebesnoj montaži.