OFF Film Camp

Vidimo se u Sarajevu na jedinstvenom filmskom druženju! / See you in Sarajevo at a unique film gathering!

EN below

OFF Film Camp je obrazovni program 13.Omladinskog Film Festivala Sarajevo koji će se održavati tokom mjeseca aprila i maja u on-line formatu te tokom trajanja Festivala od 21-24.07.2021. godine. Pored svih zainteresovanih koji se prijave za OFF Film Camp putem zvaničnog prijavnog obrasca, direktno učešće u OFF Film Camp-u ostvaraju svi takmičari iz programa kratkog igranog filma - glavni program - Wolf Competition.

Konkurs za prijave na OFF Film Camp je otvoren od 10.03. - 01.04.2021. godine.

Program, agenda i detalji online radionica, a nakon toga i petodnevnog druženja u Sarajevu svi učesnici će dobit na email nakon objave zvanične selekcije. Prve aktivnosti počinju 25.4.2021. godine


OFF Film Camp is an educational program of the 13th Youth Film Festival Sarajevo, which will be held during the months of April and May in online format and during the Festival from 21-24.07.2021. In addition to all those interested who apply for OFF Film Camp through the official application form, direct participation in the OFF Film Camp is guaranteed to all competitors from the short feature film program - the main program - Wolf Competition.

Call is open from March 10th to April 1st 2021

The program, agenda and details of the online workshops, and after that the five-day gathering in Sarajevo, all participants will receive by email after the announcement of the official selection. The first activities begin on April 25, 2021.